Hearing Loss

Prevention & restoration

We get it. Hearing aid claims can be difficult and confusing. Luckily for you, we’ve been doing this a very long time and we know every possibly situation that could arise when it comes to hearing loss claims.

Hearing Loss

Prevention & restoration

We get it. Hearing aid claims can be difficult and confusing. Luckily for you, we’ve been doing this a very long time and we know every possibly situation that could arise when it comes to hearing loss claims.

Our Approach to Hearing Aid Claims

We have built an vast nationwide provider network of both Audiologists as well as Board Certified Hearing Aid Specialists. There is no location in the country we can not service, including Hawaii and Alaska.


It’s imperative to get an accurate diagnosis of the claimant’s hearing loss.


Getting the claimant the proper care is another key element to your resolution.

Case Closed

We will handle every aspect of the claim until the claimant’s case is closed.

Our Approach to Hearing Aid Claims

We have built an vast nationwide provider network of both Audiologists as well as Board Certified Hearing Aid Specialists. There is no location in the country we can not service, including Hawaii and Alaska.


It’s imperative to get an accurate diagnosis of the claimant’s hearing loss.


Getting the claimant the proper care is another key element to your resolution.

Case Closed

We will handle every aspect of the claim until the claimant’s case is closed.

Setting Expectations for YOU and YOUR Claimant

Expectations are everything to insure a positive outcome for both you and your claimant. We make sure to keep all parties involved well informed of the progress throughout the claim, so there is no confusion or frustration. On average, it takes us just three weeks to resolve a hearing aid claim from the day we receive the referral.

How it works

We keep it EASY as:


Submit Your Referral

We want to make the claim’s adjuster’s life as easy as possible. So, we offer multiple methods of submitting a new referral. The adjuster will simply need to pick which method works best for him/her.




Online Form


We’ll Provide A Quote

For your protection, we have an internal team verifying the claimant recommendation. This insures the recommended product is best suited for the clamant’s needs, not necessarily full of “bells and whistles”.

Lowest Price Guarantee

Unlimited Quotes

Fast Turnaround


We’ll Coordinate The Care

We will handle all of the scheduling leading up to the claimant hearing aid fitting. From there, we will coordinate all of the post fitting care, so the adjuster can rest assured.

Nationwide Network

Dedicated Reps

Timely Resolution

 What About After The Patient Is Fit With Hearing Aids?

We provide everything your patient needs on-going

We provide convenient door-step delivery of products

Your claimant won’t always have to go to a local provider for their ongoing care. Many of the items they will need over time can be shipped directly to their front door for their convenience and your cost savings. We will notify the adjuster if a service request or accessory has been requested.

Access to any network provider in the country

Is your claimant a snowbird or planning on seeing the country anytime soon? No problem! They will have access to all of our professional hearing provider locations across the country with no additional cost. All the claimant will have to do is give us a call and we will find a location nearest them.

Personalized Everything

There is No “One Plan” For Everyone

As mentioned, hearing aids require a lot of care of the years and we are here to help your claimant through this process. Every hearing loss is different, and so is your claimant’s situation. So, we are here as your personal hearing counselor to help you with any of your clamant’s hearing needs.

Personalized Everything

There is No “One Plan” For Everyone

As mentioned, hearing aids require a lot of care of the years and we are here to help your claimant through this process. Every hearing loss is different, and so is your claimant’s situation. So, we are here as your personal hearing counselor to help you with any of your clamant’s hearing needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

Do i need a contract to send you a referrAl?
No. We make it easy on you by allowing you to come and go as you please. We’re confident you’ll continue to use us after just one referral, so we don’t feel a contract is needed.
How long does a hearing claim take through harmony?
On average, it takes us an industry best of only 3 weeks to complete a claim from the day we receive it until the day the claimant is fit with hearing aids.
do you provide nationwide access to hearing aids?
Absolutely! Including Alaska and Hawaii. There is no location in the United States that we cannot service.
Do you offer hearing accessories too?
Absolutely! We offer every product imaginable for hearing loss. All you need to do is call, email or fax us a request and we will get you a quote right away.

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