Our Patients

your satisfaction is guaranteed!

We understand your need to hear again as quickly as possible. You should expect a first-class experience throughout your claim process. We never sacrifice the quality of your care. We work with all of the major manufactures and today’s latest technology. You can rest assured you are in good hands with Harmony.

Our Approach to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a very serious matter and not something we take lightly. Having a hearing loss can take away your ability to connect with friends, family and your workplace. It is our job to get you exactly what you need.


Identifying your degree of hearing loss is vital to getting you the help you need.


Harmony and your provider will help you adjust to your new hearing aids.


You will now be equipped to enjoy to having conversations again.

Our Patients

your satisfaction is guaranteed!

We understand your need to hear again as quickly as possible. You should expect a first-class experience throughout your claim process. We never sacrifice the quality of your care. We work with all of the major manufactures and today’s latest technology. You can rest assured you are in good hands with Harmony.

Our Approach to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a very serious matter and not something we take lightly. Having a hearing loss can take away your ability to connect with friends, family and your workplace. It is our job to get you exactly what you need.


Identifying your degree of hearing loss is vital to getting you the help you need.


Harmony and your provider will help you adjust to your new hearing aids.


You will now be equipped to enjoy to having conversations again.

Setting Expectations for YOU and YOUR Family

Whether it’s your first of fifth pair of hearing aids, it’s important to know that every new pair of hearing aids will take some getting used to.

We help set expectations for your adjustment period so your friends and family will be can help you get used to hearing all of the sounds you have been missing out on.

How it works

We keep it EASY as:


Get Your Evaluation

First, you will visit a hearing professional near your home. Next, the professional will make a professional recommendation of which hearing aids will be best suited for your hearing loss and lifestyle.


Fit Your New Hearing Aids

Now, your recommendation will go through an approval process, which generally takes 7-10 business days. Once approved, you hearing aids will be ordered and a fitting appointment will be set.


Convenient Ongoing Care

It’s important to notate that hearing aids require ongoing care. They will require physical cleanings, adjustments to sounds, batteries and accessories, which we’ll provide.

 What About After I’m Fit With Hearing Aids?

We provide everything for your current and future needs!

We provide convenient door-step delivery of products

You won’t always have to go to your local provider for your ongoing care. Many of the items you will need over time can be shipped directly to your front door for your convenience. All you have to do is call us or fill out the form below and we will take care of everything for you.

Access to any of our locations throughout the country

Are you a snowbird or planning on seeing the country anytime soon? No problem! You will have access to all of our professional hearing provider locations across the country while you are away from home. All you will have to do is give us a call and we will find a location nearest you.

Personalized Everything

There is No “One Plan” For Everyone

As mentioned, hearing aids require a lot of care over the years and we are here to help you through this process. Every hearing loss is different, and so is your situation. So, we are here as your personal hearing counselor to help you with any of your hearing needs.

Personalized Everything

There is No “One Plan” For Everyone

As mentioned, hearing aids require a lot of care of the years and we are here to help you through this process. Every hearing loss is different, and so is your situation. So, we are here as your personal hearing counselor to help you with any of your hearing needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn How it Works!

How long will it take for me to get my hearing aids?
It really depends on the type of hearing aid you are getting, and how quickly your claim adjuster authorizes your recommended hearing aid. On average, it takes 3 weeks from the day we first contact you to the day you are fit with your hearing aids.
what hearing aid brands do you work with?
We work with every major manufacture sold in the United States, as well as several of the smaller brands.
Do you offer digital hearing aids?
Absolutely! Digital hearing aids are all we offer. In this day and age, it is rare to find a hearing aid that is not digitally programmable.
Are batteries included?
Yes. You will receive batteries in the mail, once you have been fit with your new hearing aids. When you are running low on batteries, you simply call us or request more batteries HERE.

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